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Affiliate Ads on Facebook

Started by SeoDezin, 01-04-2015, 00:36:59

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SeoDezinTopic starter

How can I place my Amazon affiliate ads on Facebook. Anyone who can guide in posting my affiliate ads on Facebook ?


Follow the simple steps:-

1.) Login to Amazon Associates.
2.) Go to the product page you want to share on Amazon. At the top, you'll see a gray bar from which you can easily grab your affiliate links.
If you don't see the gray bar, it's probably hidden. In that case, simply click the gray tab in the left corner.
3.) To share quickly on facebook or twitter, simply click the share link. A dropdown menu will appear. Choose the platform where you want to share.
4.) You'll get the standard sharing window for facebook or twitter. The twitter share box is pretty straightforward. For facebook, make sure you specify where you want it to be shared ( on your page or on your personal profile).
5.) Type any commentary. Also add indication that it's an affiliate link, according to FTC regulations, share it and you're done.

I hope this information is useful to you.


Well, I have a little bit information regarding this which I want to share with you. Just do affiliate marketing with Amazon or eBay website and there are some pre integrated tools which are directly attached with Facebook.


Follow me, using facebook to Affiliate, which is a good idea.
In my opinion you should create a source of fascinating article about the content business, to create a fanpage numerous readers, attract traffic to increase sales.

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