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Overlay Panda Updates on Google Analytics

Started by orensol, 08-27-2012, 10:40:37

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orensolTopic starter

Hey everybody,

I wrote an extension for Google Chrome that can overlay all sorts of data on charts (currently on Google analytics and Quantcast).

I'm telling you this :) because what actually got me started, is that I wanted to be able to see how Panda updates affected me, and I wanted it right on my Google Analytics charts, where I measure traffic. It was hard to keep track of when exactly each update happened as they became almost monthly...

So right now the extension works, and you can overlay some public data layers on your charts, among them Google Panda and Penguin updates. It is great for analysis of how updates actually affected you, and since it works on Quantcast you can also see it for competitors or just on other sites you're interested in.

Check it out at newbielink:http://chartelligence.com [nonactive]
Or head straight for the extension: newbielink:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/njhdcfdiifemfnfddhfjmfbkajajceag [nonactive]

I'd be happy to get feedback if any of you start using it!


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