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Link Exchange

Started by kevinkatovic, 03-10-2017, 20:41:19

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kevinkatovicTopic starter

Would anyone want to link exchange with me?


Check my blog then send me message through contact form if you think my blog meet your requirement to do a link exchange between us


Dear Kevin, I want to link between my webpage and your blog, I want to be sure however that most of the traffic comes from the US in order to imrpove SEO in the USA google rankings.

On my website, I have all kinds of categories that list brands/companies from travel to telecom to fitness & health and I can see that you blog has a lot of diversity.

the website is us-reviews.com, it is a developing website and we are in the process of growing it by using SEO and link building, hence I am approaching you.

I would like to hear from you if you are interested into link exchange between websites or perhaps link buying.

Kind regards,



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