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Do You Like Bing?

Started by fallfro, 06-15-2010, 00:03:01

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fallfroTopic starter

So what do you guys think of Bing as a search engine?  Like for every day use, finding stuff, not for increasing ranking?  Is it better or worse than Google?


I like and use Google always. Most of trafic for my site I get from Google.
I do not imagine why somebody need such SE like Bing.
Agree, there many useful services at M$, but as search engine? Indubitable rubbish  :))!


I like it for things like I'm writing an article about something educational and want to know what elements make up rubber or something scientific like that.

I like Google for my everyday searches of pointless bits of knowledge such as "list of mlb pitchers who only had one arm". :p


Many people mention that Bing sucks as search engine. It is not the reason why I prefer using Google. I find Bing's design is too fancy and Google is simpler. The simpler the better. And the accuracy of Bing is lower than Google. I've tried an experiment using the keyword 'girls', and I wasn't satisfied with the result page.


Till now I didn't open it.. I mean I know what bing is but I am satisfied with Google, so why go for Bing..

abraham baldwin

yes i like bing nice one  ;D :D



Google is still my first choice :)


Bing is really good. Still needs some minor tweaks though.
newbielink:http://www.dubaiseocompany.com [nonactive]


I love Ms Bing it has enormous features and it has more visually interesting than Google. A new study found Bing outcomes to be MORE precise than Google.
But I always choose to Google since my job is SEO-Services-Provider.
And my opinion is Google is improved than any other search-Engines it's all similar to Bing, yahoo etc... every all search-engines.

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