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Social Networking Sites That Pay You

Started by flyeaglesfly, 06-14-2010, 14:56:06

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flyeaglesflyTopic starter

This is a new concept that seems pretty cool.  I only know of one right now, PeopleString (http://peoplestring.com/) but I'm sure there's more.  Post 'em if you know 'em.  :D


How (much) do they pay? What kind of payment?
I did not understand. Could you give more info about this service?
I read their "what is"(http://peoplestring.com/whatis.php) and understood nothing about getting money from this site.


There is also Yuwie.



At what rate are they paying you?
The timeline? I mean did it take a long time to get payouts?
How did they manage to pay?
This is awesome man.


You can also earn money by new search engine called SCOUR.... But its earnings depends on how many points you score. I mean it depends on score, vote and comments, each one have different points.. If you reach 6500 points that means net 25$ you can redeem your earnings..


I have an account in PeopleString, too. It was quite helpful. But I stopped.

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