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Started by beingchinmay, 09-16-2016, 06:36:40

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beingchinmayTopic starter

C++ allows you to define new data type names with the typedef keyword. When you use typedef, you actually are not creating a new data type, but rather are defining a new name for an existing type. This process can help make machine-dependent programs more portable; only the typedef statements have to be changed. It also can help you self-document your code by allowing descriptive names for the standard data types. The general form of the typedef statement is

typedef type new-name;

where type is any valid data type, and new-name is the new name for this type. The new name you define is in addition to, not a replacement for, the existing type name.

For example, you could create a new name for float using

typedef float balance;

This statement would tell the compiler to recognize balance as another name for float. Next, you could create a float variable using balance:

balance over_due;

Here, over_due is a floating-point variable of type balance, which is another name for float

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