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Long-tail keywords

Started by mr2299muslim, 12-09-2017, 15:40:58

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mr2299muslimTopic starter

Hello guys, I'm a newbie and wanted to clarify some confusions regarding long tail keywords. my question
is that when we are using websites like answer the public or ubersuggest most of the
times when we input our keyword, it shows a number of questions or long tail keywords that actually
are not being searched in that particular combination. I wanted to clarify that should the long tail
keyword itself be in the google searches or is it just a way to make the head keyword more specific
and rank the head keyword through just making it longer


Long tail keywords are a type of keyword phrase that has at least three, and some times as many as five words in the phrase. Long tail keywords are used when the website wants to refine search terms to the web page, as well as when the searcher is looking for something rather specific. Like normal keywords, long tail keywords are used to define what is on the web page and what the publisher wants to be found under in search engines and on search engine results pages. These keywords are highly specific, and draw less traffic for the website, but tend to draw more quality traffic, which leads in more conversions than normal keywords. Long tail keywords can also be used by publishers and visitors in different ways.


Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they're closer to a point-of-purchase or when they're using voice search. They're a little bit counter-intuitive, at first, but they can be hugely valuable if you know how to use them.

Take this example: if you're a company that sells classic furniture, the chances are that your pages are never going to appear near the top of an organic search for "furniture" because there's too much competition (this is particularly true if you're a smaller company or a startup). But if you specialize in, say, contemporary art-deco furniture, then keywords like "contemporary Art Deco-influenced semi-circle lounge" are going to reliably find those consumers looking for exactly that product.


A long-tail keyword is a keyword phrase that contains at least three words (though some say two or more is considered long-tail). Long-tail keywords are used to target niche demographics rather than mass audiences. In other words, they're more specific and often less competitive than generic keyword terms


Any search term which lengths between 3-7 is considered as long-tail. Targeting long tail keywords increases your chances of ranking at times when users search for something which closely matches your target keyword. It is actually considered as a good practice to target long-tail keywords.


Long tail keywords are usually keyword phrases that have relatively less number of searches. These keywords are often used to rank your website faster in search engines.


Yes, long-tails should have search volume, otherwise, its pointless ranking them.
Even if you get only 10 - 100 searches a month it's good if you ask me.
We definitely saw results after ranking for keywords like that and got some calls from people searching for these terms.


Long tail keywords are easily to rank in search engine..they should be present in key places like header, meta description, h1,h2 etc. also do use LSI keywords.. Which are related keyword of your targeted keyword..using a mix of all these keywords helps in giving more specific key information of your targeted keyword..!!

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