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Setting non indexable words in the page

Started by harsh.shankar, 03-27-2017, 23:35:46

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harsh.shankarTopic starter

Hi There,
I am new to to web-development and need some info for my Company's website newbielink:http://koyoele.in [nonactive].
All SEO analyzer tools are suggesting the Keyword Consistency for the website are "INR", "Price" and "Compare".
But these are not really very relevant to my website but are required in the context.
I want to de-list these keywords for google or any other search engine's indexing.
My question is how if possible I can put a list of non-indexable or add-custom list of stop words?


Change them to a graphic.

However a word of warning, a lot of words tend to be stop words, they dont tend to get counted and indexed as such by google so these are generally ignored. Things like The, And, Or etc are typical stop words.
I dont think google publicly state which words are stop words but there are quite a few sites out there that have had a educated guess.


By removing them will not boost your other keywords, in fact it could be possible your site will be harmed.
If your top keywords are price, compare that is a clear indication that your site is selling something and if google determine a user is searching as a buyer then it could give you a boost. As rankbrain gets deeper into googles algorithm it is more than possible connections like this will be made.


Google not indexed your pages becouse

    You not created a page called sitemapin your site.
    You added robots.txt for the URL's as "disallow".

1.You not created a page called sitemapin your site.

You have to create one new page with the name of sitemap.xml ,RSS, mRSS, and Text. (most prefered sitemap.xml) In this page you have to add your website URL's. (by using sitemap generater)

After uploading sitemap file you have to create google webmaster tool (i.e. google console) ID and upload yous sitemap file in webmastertool. after some days you can find which are all URL' s are indexed and which are not indexed. which are not indexed, check is it URL's are still there with your site are not,

If there but not indexed means make it redirect that URL or remove URL by using webmastertool (google console).

If that URL is there but not indexed means check robots.txt.

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