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What is Anchor Text ?

Started by AmarInfotech, 09-15-2016, 22:55:02

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AmarInfotechTopic starter

Anchor text is clickable text by which you can reach to other pages.In other words,you can say that it is a transmission medium between two web pages.Different  browsers will display anchor text in different ways and effective use of it can help the page to rank for those keywords in SERPs(search engine result pages).
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Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. The blue, underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through html code. The keywords in anchor text are one of the many signals search engines use to determine the topic of a web page.


Anchor Text is important for SEO because it tells to search engines basic information about the content of the page that you are linking to.  :)


It is visible, clickable text in a hyperlink that is displayed on a web page. The blue underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the colour and underlining through HTML code.
newbielink:http://nationkart.com/blog/how-to-start-multi-vendor-e-commerce-website/ [nonactive]


Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text is relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. The blue underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through HTML code.


Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text is relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. The blue underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through HTML code.
Texts that link to another location or document on the Web are referred to as anchor texts. In short, it's clickable text in a hyperlink. For instance, in the sentence "Wikipedia gives an overview of anchor texts," Wikipedia is the anchor text. You can create it using this simple HTML code.


Anchor text is the visible characters and words that hyperlinks display when linking to another document or location on the web. In the phrase "CNN is a good source of news, but I actually prefer the BBC's take on events," two unique pieces of anchor text exist for two different links: "CNN" is the anchor text pointing to http://www.cnn.com/, while "the BBC's take on events" points to http://news.bbc.co.uk.

Search engines use this text to help determine the subject matter of the linked-to document. In the example above, the links would tell the search engine that when users search for "CNN", Moz.com thinks that http://www.cnn.com/ is a relevant site for the term "CNN" and that http://www.bbc.co.uk is relevant to "the BBC's take on events." If many sites think that a particular page is relevant for a given set of terms, that page can manage to rank well even if the terms NEVER appear in the text itself.

In the example above, "Jon Wye's Custom Designed Belts" would be the anchor text of this link.


As the number of such inbound links increase, so will your sites ranking in SERPs. Anchor text therefore comes on top of the checklist in your initiatives.


Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. The blue, underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through html code.

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