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Scrapebox Dofollow Check Tool Not Working

Started by ergoprime, 07-18-2017, 09:14:39

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ergoprimeTopic starter

I installed the dofollow test plugin and used a list with 1000 approved wordpress comment links to check, which one of them are dofollow and which are nofollow. Unfortunately the tool states only N/A on 99% of all backlinks.

I thought the dofollow test tool can check wordpress comments, so how can it be that the tool doesn't work. Of course most of the backlinks have the status "completed", so it's not an default error.

Has anyone an idea?


I'm using Scrapebox Do-Follow/nofollow checker but like we know it only works for and  I'm looking to buy Fast Blog Finder but I heard that it's not so accurate. I have the gold version but latetely its not working that good.


Well if you have to check out Nofollow or dofollow status of a link so you can also check status without Scrapebox ! Just open page & copy link & than view source page (CTRL+U) and find your link. You will Nofollow link tag if link is Nofollow & if link is dofollow so there will be no tag.

Apart this you can also use Chrome extension for Nofollow link. Just go to Chrome web store and Download Nofollow extension.

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