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Information from Web Hosting Companies

Started by SeoDezin, 02-09-2014, 17:25:41

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SeoDezinTopic starter

My client has purchased new domains and updated contents on that sites. His web hosting companies has mailed him that his 33% of his site information is not matching the local searches. Any one who can guide me about the purpose of the mail


This is also one kind of marketing strategies. Like If you take hosting from Go Daddy. They will send you the mail of SEO service which they are providing. Same as here the hosting admin has some database of their exsiting client and your client is getting mail from there.

Megan Brown

It is important for the search engines to locate your site in order to get visibility. I think you guys need to update the content in such a way that the search engines can tab the site.
Try making some changes and reposting.
omandomains - Arabic domains Registrar

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