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Reseller hosting accounts based on SSD?

Started by Franburgs, 01-05-2017, 01:48:18

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FranburgsTopic starter

It happened so that I started looking for professional host with servers in USA that offers reseller hosting plans along with 24/7 customer support.

Require over 60 gbs of disk space. Linux. + 24/7 customer support service that is professional.

What are your views on Hostwinds.com and their reseller hosting deals? Is it reliable host? How is their support?


I am very satisfied with Hostwinds.com services. The price for their ssd reseller hosting plans is competitive.
Wonderfully thorough and responsive support. They helped me with all the issues and i must say that they are really knowledgeable.
Up-time and reliability has been outstanding.


Use the coupon code: 50OFF16 for 50% off their first month. Hostwinds will pass on the savings to you.

It is really good host I must say. I've had support tickets answered promptly at all hours of the night. Join their facebook community: facebook.com/hostwinds


Thanks a lot to my friend advice. Now I am very pleased with my host and really enjoy my experience dealing with Hostwinds. Recommended.
Their ssd hosting plans impressed me with the price first, then I got to know that their features were cool, they also offer nice free bonuses.
'Dream' as if you'll live forever..Live as if tomorrow is last one...


I am 100% sure that the truth comes out of comparison, so I would recommend kvchosting.com ssd reseller hosting deals.
Overall reliability is great, the control panel is easy to use, and useful, things work the way they say they will - basically impressed with these guys.


At AviarHost every reseller plan is a superb way for you to earn money on the side, you can even become your own full-time web hosting company. Get your own hosting clients, or if you are a web designer you can use a reseller hosting plan to add value to your existing and future customers.

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