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What can We Expect from the Shared Hosting

Started by xiaolanzhuji, 01-15-2018, 01:54:52

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xiaolanzhujiTopic starter

  The shared hosting, also named site space, is usually used to store and operate the website data. This kind of hosting is to utilize several tiny "virtual" severs that are partitioned from a 24-hour non-stop server, and every shared hosting in this manner owns the complete Internet server to bind with its dedicated domain name.

  In general, it is just like abstracting part of the hardware storages from one single computer and then virtualizing massive dedicated computer servers accordingly. Or, we can say the formation of this hosting plan is to virtualize several computers in the original one.

  Despite the separated CMOS, hard disks and operation systems, these virtualized "computer server" all operate in peace within the same hardware condition. Moreover, we users could not only initiate the system and software installations, but also can realize the deletions and uninstalls etc. on these computers.

  With the high independence, outstanding efficiency and low cost, the shared hosting has been winning the broad attention among the entrepreneurs, which leads to more than 80% of the corporations choose to store their website data on the shared hosting in recent years. In addition, the operation of the shared hosting is also very simple, the direct management via the control panel may definitely smooth the user experience.

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