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Similar Page Checker

Duplicate Page Finder

Duplicate Page Finder

Duplicate page finder is very useful tool to find out the similar pages available over the internet. Using duplicate content is something that may damage your web site as far as the search engine optimization is concern. Similar page checker help you to make sure you're not being penalized by search engines for duplicate content.

First URL:
Second URL:
Image Verification:
Type the characters
you see in the image.


Note, results with www. and without www. can significantly differ.

Your web page or web site or may have similar content to the other web page or web site. If so, you can get a duplicate content or web site penalty from the search engines. You can effortlessly avoid your website from this duplicate penalty. The accurate percentage of resemblance after which a search engine can penalize you is not known, it varies from search engine to search engine. Your purpose should be to keep your page resemblance very low.

duplicate content

Search engines do not like repetitive things and neither do people. Even if you've differentiated all your webpages from the rest of the web, the search engines may decide that they look like each other. Similar Page Checker can help you determine the precise percentage of resemblance between any two YouTube web pages.

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