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A short comparison between the most common website monitoring tools

Hosted Tools

Name Free account[1] Minimum interval (min)[2] Charts Protocols Monitor changes[3] nb of sites[4] Cost / month Notes
2Be-fficient URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk in French
Aignes URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk
AlertBot URL Yes 60 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, Web Forms, SSL, DNS, ICMP/TCP Ping, FTP Port, SMTP Port, POP3 Port, IMAP Port Yes Unlimited Performance Tracking, Error Screenshots, Multiple Page Testing, Real User Simulation, Verifies Page Content, Extensive Error Diagnostics
AlertFox URL Yes 5 Yes iMacros, HTTP, DNS, FTP Yes Unlimited Unique service that runs tests inside real web browsers. Only service that offers Transaction Monitoring support for AJAX, Flash, Java and Silverlight applets.
Alertra URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk
AlertSite URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk
BRIOalert URL Yes 1 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, Web Forms, SSL, DNS, ICMP/TCP Ping, FTP Port, SMTP Port, POP3 Port, IMAP Port Yes Unlimited Performance Tracking, Error Screenshots, Multiple Page Testing, Real User Simulation, Verifies Page Content, Extensive Error Diagnostics
BasicState URL Yes 15 Yes HTTP/HTTPS No Unlimited FREE SMS alerts available, daily email reports, email alerts, subscribe to public alerts for ecommerce backend systems, secondary alert destinations, adjustable alert patterns, retest on failures, browser based control panel, performance graphs, historical data, diagnostic reports, trouble tickets
Dot-com monitor URL Yes 60 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, DNS, Ping/ICMP, SOAP, UDP, Video streaming, Custom Script Monitoring Yes Unlimited Promotional offer requires $$$ subscriptioncitation needed. Multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese. Notification options: regular phone, pager, email, wireless email, SMS device, cell phone, and SNMP trap
E control portal URL Yes Template:Unk Template:Unk HTTP, HTTPS, PING, DNS, IMAP, POP3, RADIUS ou NNTP No promotion of downloadable software
Free Site Status URL Yes 1 Yes Ping, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SMTP, DNS, POP3, IMAP, MySQL, Custom Ports Yes Unlimited $2 Multilingual 30 languages. Global monitoring network. Contains advertising. Similar to Hyperspin.
Free web monitoring URL Template:Unk Template:Unk Template:Unk
Host tracker URL Yes 30 Template:Unk Yes 2 / 200 $37
Hyper Spin URL Yes Template:Unk Template:Unk HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SMTP, DNS, POP3, IMAP, MySQL No
Internetseer URL Yes 60 Template:Unk
Internet Vista URL Yes 1 Template:Unk Yes
IP-label URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk
Periscope IT URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk
Just uptime URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk $10
LiveWatch URL Yes 1 Template:Unk No offer phonecall notification URL Yes 5 Template:Unk http, ping, https, ftp, pop, smtp, dns, tcp, udp, imap, sip No
Montastic URL No 10 Template:Unk Simple and robust
NETvigie URL Yes 0.5 Yes Video streaming, Custom Script Monitoring, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, DNS, Ping/ICMP, SOAP, UDP Yes Unlimited French / English
Pingdom URL No 1 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, Ping, UDP, DNS, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, Custom Yes 5 $10
Pingwy URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk in French
ServerMojo URL Yes 1 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/S + Login, HTTP/S + Keyword, HTTP/S + Port, Ping, Ping+TraceRoute, DNS, Mail, Custom/Port, MySQL, RegEx Yes Unlimited Free / $9.95 / $39.95 / $199.95 SMS, Twitter, RSS, Jabber and Email Alerts ; Private/Public stats ; Multi-Location ; Historic daily/monthly statistics.
Service uptime URL Yes 30 Template:Unk Yes
Site24x7 URL Yes 60 Yes By Zoho. Detailed changes monitoring.
Site Uptime URL Yes 30 Template:Unk No 1 / 6
Uptime party URL Yes 15 Template:Unk 2 $2
Uptrends URL Yes 30 Template:Unk
UV Uptime URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk
Watchmouse URL No 5 Template:Unk 1 $36
Web Live Alert URL No Template:Unk Template:Unk in French. Marketing oriented URL Yes 60/1 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DNS, Ping/ICMP, Yes Unlimited $4.95 Immediate DOWN Alerts, Online Uptime Charts
WebSiteHawk URL Yes 1 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, PageRank, TCP Port, FTP, SSH, Jabber, LDAP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, DNS, Ping/ICMP,SNMP Get, SNMP Traps, MySql, Oracle, Just about anything Yes Unlimited $0.50 3 Free URL monitors
Web site pulse URL No Template:Unk Yes
Woozweb URL Yes 8 Yes Yes 5 needs to visit their website once a month

Monitoring Scripts

Name Free account[5] Minimum interval (min)[6] Charts Protocols Monitor changes[7] nb of sites[8] Cost / month Notes
Status2K URL No 1 Yes HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, Ping, UDP, DNS, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, Custom Yes 10+ $24.95 per Year Monitors CPU load, disk space and bandwidth usage


  1. Not limited-time free trial
  2. Free / premium
  3. and not only failures. Checks whether a keyword is present. Useful to detect defacing. If you only need change detection, see for instance [1].
  4. Several subscriptions possible
  5. Not limited-time free trial
  6. Free / premium
  7. and not only failures. Checks whether a keyword is present. Useful to detect defacing. If you only need change detection, see for instance [2].
  8. Several subscriptions possible

See also

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