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Polyglossia — is a modern package for facilitating multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX. It can be used as a replacement of babel for performing the following tasks automatically:

  1. Loading the appropriate hyphenation patterns.
  2. Setting the script and language tags of the current font (if possible and available) with the package fontspec.
  3. Switching to a font assigned by the user to a particular script or language.
  4. Adjusting some typographical conventions in function of the current language:
    • afterindent
    • frenchindent
    • spaces before or after punctuation
  5. Redefining all document strings (like "Part", "Figure", "Bibliography").
  6. Adapting the formatting of dates (for non-gregorian calendars with external packages bundled with polyglossia: currently the hebrew, islamic and farsi calendars are supported).
  7. For languages that have their own numeration system, modifying the formatting of numbers appropriately (this also includes redefining the alphabetic sequence for non-Latin alphabets).
  8. Ensuring the proper directionality if the text are written from right to left (via the package bidi, available separately).

List of supported languages


François Charette. "Polyglossia: A Babel Replacement for XeLaTeX". CTAN. http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/xetex/latex/polyglossia/polyglossia.pdf. Retrieved 28 January 2010. 


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